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Yeah, now that I was able to play, this is a cool game! 

the game didn't start for some reason... I don't know why:

Did you press the "Level 1" band there at the top?


Didn't have enough time to play all the levels that are done for now. (Got until saw obstacles). 
But, yeah, the game is cool as hell!

If there are levels, where in the level design you will need to rearrange those light beams to get in more hard-to-access places - that would be my favorite!

Super cool!  I love the mechanic and the art.  It took me a little while to figure out when the growing happened but I really enjoyed it.  The optional flowers were a nice touch as well.  Fantastic job!

Just saw the video and had to check it out! Great job @ everyone

I love the blending ancient architecture with nature in a cozy melancholic way. The art style, level design and growing mechanics were all great and I liked the soundtrack too

The whole thing is lovely! The only thing missing for me is better explained controls, and a pause menu 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making En Root

I just saw Artindi's video, and this is a very good game to come out of a challenge like this. The difficulty progression was excellent and reasonable, I was able to understand the mechanics and then slowly use them in different ways. The art is gorgeous and the music is catchy. Great job to everyone who contributed!  

Thank u for the feedback!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed, and you are correct, everyone did a masterful job making this game. :